
Video: David Frost interviews Roger Waters

Posted December 13, 2009 by Floydian Slip

Sir David Frost recently interviewed Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters. The 10-minute segment aired Friday on the Al Jazeera English network.

3 comments on “Video: David Frost interviews Roger Waters”

  1. Susan says:

    Thanks for this great video. It’s great to get the history from “the horse’s mouth”. I’ll be at next year’s proposed “Wall” tour…Again!

  2. Sean says:

    AWESOME. Pink Floyd is the greatest band of all time!

  3. Wilfred Mundy says:

    Through the yaers I have received many birthday cards about getting older. Many with catchy reality check sayings like: you’re not old, you were old last year;” or “There are a lot of things that can be said about getting old, but none of them is good.” While many of these comments are sobering truths, one thing I truly appreciate is growing old while observing Roger Waters.

    For me, the greatest thing about Roger is he like a few others are able to capture the reality of day to day hypocrisy in a skillful and inimitable combination of words and music. Those who can listen are given a great opportunity to think in the presnt, while sharing the burden of individual pains, sorrows, joys and hopes from the past. Moreover, there are predictions from the past that are now memories of what has too come and gone.

    For a young man aspiring to maintain his privacy and most intimate thoughts he sings “If.” I have taken serious verbal lashings from friends when I suggest that Pigs on the Wing, Parts 1 and 2 are my favorite love songs. On Radio Waves, he warns of the uncler imminence of what will happen when the arabs and cowboys engage in a fight. Or man’s compassionless journey when we cheer as Jessica Hahn (sp) goes down or playing the game with the “bravery of being out of range.” And whether it is genuis alone that allows him to put together pick up bands that are able to play Pink Floyd’s catalog with the same skill and passion as the originals, who knows; but what I do know is that I am thankful to Roger for providing and sharing his observations with me.

Posted in Personnel, Roger Waters | 3 comments