
“Floydian Slip” songlist #893

Posted May 22, 2013 by Floydian Slip

  1. Another Brick in the Atlantic Wall
    12-12-12 The Concert for Sandy Relief (Roger Waters) (2012)
  2. Fat Old Sun
    Live in Gdansk (David Gilmour) (2008)
  3. Wish You Were Here
    Wish You Were Here (1975)
  4. Arnold Layne
    Relics (1971)
  5. Biding My Time
    Relics (1971)
  6. Not Now John
    The Final Cut (1983)
  7. The Great Gig in the Sky
    The Dark Side of the Moon (1973)
  8. Ain’t That Cute (*Floydian Slip Up*)
    Doris Troy (Doris Troy) (1970)
  9. In the Flesh
    The Wall (1979)

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