
Free “Floydian Slip” stickers

Posted November 16, 2013 by Floydian Slip

The new “Floydian Slip” stickers are in.

They’re free for the asking. Just send us a SASE and we’ll stick a handful in the mail to you.

For the uninitiated, a SASE is a “self-addressed stamped envelope.” You put your own address on an empty envelope, stick enough postage on it to allow us to mail it back to you with some stickers in it, and then mail it to us using another envelope.

A standard #10 business-size envelope will do, along with a single First Class stamp.

Here’s where to send to:

350 Woodbine Rd.
Shelburne VT 05482-6777

12 comments on “Free “Floydian Slip” stickers”

  1. Karen says:

    Really cool. Can we get them sent to the UK

  2. @Karen: Well, you’d need to put the proper US postage on your SASE. As long as I can take your SASE, put the stickers in it, and drop it in a mailbox, you’re all set.

  3. David Medlock says:

    And, do I need to put “Slip” on the envelope?

  4. Floydian Slip
    350 Woodbine Rd
    Shelburne VT 05482-6777

  5. John Robbo says:

    How does one get US postage OUTSIDE of their own country??? (I’m in Australia!)

  6. NMP (Not my problem)

  7. Jared says:

    Can we get a peek at what they look like?

  8. Right there, at the top of this post

  9. pewe says:

    hi would really like 1 i am in ireland 🙂

  10. Chamerlin says:

    I would really like one

  11. Alexis says:

    I would really like one! 😀

Posted in Merchandise | 12 comments