
“Floydian Slip” songlist #1090

Posted March 6, 2017 by Floydian Slip

David Gilmour Birthday Special

  1. Rattle That Lock
    Rattle That Lock (David Gilmour) (2015)
  2. Island Jam
    EP (David Gilmour) (2006)
  3. No Way
    David Gilmour (David Gilmour) (1978)
  4. Murder
    About Face (David Gilmour) (1984)
  5. Comfortably Numb
    Volcano Disaster Appeal Concert (David Gilmour) (1986)
  6. Smile
    On an Island (David Gilmour) (2006)
  7. Je Crois Entendre Encore
    David Gilmour in Concert (DVD) (David Gilmour) (2002)
  8. Take a Breath
    Live from Abbey Road (David Gilmour) (2006)

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