
Watch yesterday’s video chat on-demand

Posted January 6, 2021 by Floydian Slip

One comment on “Watch yesterday’s video chat on-demand”

  1. Wish I had been able to attend. Very interesting conversation over tribute bands performing Pink Floyd music. Never hear of the Pink Floyd Ensemble but I was impressed by their attempt at recreating the sounds and vocals. Not bad for a bunch of music students.

    Are you familiar with other tribute bands currently performing? The reason I ask is that there is group call Brit Floyd lead by Damian Darlington formerly of Australian Pink Floyd. Their stage production practically mimic a Pink Floyd show to a tee. Lights, laser’s, music and vocals are off the charts.

    My first experience seeing them was in 2015 when they performed at the Schnitzer concert hall in Portland, Oregon. Damian and the other lead guitarist, Edo Scordo are nothing short of amazing. The solo vocalist on “Great gig in the sky” earned a standing ovation from every crowd. Needless to say I saw them every year they came through until 2018.

    If you haven’t I’m sure YouTube video’s are available. All though live is best, they are certainly worth a listen!

    Staying home to watch the rain!

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